Leonard Peltier, too ,,, ,

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The Clinton emails have disappeared from the Wikileaks site. This can only mean one thing. That Assange and Wikileaks also agreed to the taking down the leaked, most likely from Seth Rich, Clinton emails as apart of the plea agreement. It also means that Hillary Clinton is vying to replace Biden before the Democratic convention this summer.

Julian Assange Is A Fucking Idiot!They made Assange into a rock star while the CIA and the FBI took down the real global open publishing threat, to the empire's propaganda, Indymedia dot org. https://lloydhart.substack.com/p/julian-assange-is-a-fucking-idiot

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Yes, Danny, "they" (the Empire and its minions) are the enemy.

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Today I celebrate Assange's release while honoring the memory of Gonzalo Lira too! They murdered Lira and tried to murder Assange!

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